Saturday, June 30, 2007

Unexpected Detour

Coming home from the Comets game tonight, I found the freeway at a complete stop... just an exit or two before Loop 610, where I normally exit.

So, I bailed off on an uncharted street. The initial neighborhood that I passed through was a little scary, but I knew I would soon be in comfortable (if not safe) territory. And I was.

I eventually found myself a block from an ex's house.

And for reasons that cannot be explained by alcohol (2 beers in 4 hours) or conscious curiosity (I'm not prepared to comment on the unconscious), I diverted my path to drive by the house.

Please note that while I experienced no emotion, whatsoever, from the 'drive by'... I did note that the landscaping that I busted my back over... seems to be thriving.

At least SOMEthing good and long lasting came from the relationship.


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